Friday, August 7, 2009

Day 3 - Candida Cleanse Chronicles

Well it's day 3 of the cleanse and honestly, I am feeling like doo -doo on a stick, as Daniel would say. First off, I am so proud of him for taking this journey with me and staying the course. I think the caffeine has been a bit harder for him since he was drinking multiple red bulls, rock stars, pit bulls..whatever these energy drinks are called, to keep himself going. I am blown away by his dedication to want to be & feel healthier and to support me through all of this!! We recently read in a the Quantum Wellness book that these CRAZY energy drinks thicken the blood and can cause STROKES in young men. I think that really hit home for Daniel. It's amazing how many packaged, processed, chemical ridden products are out there that are so bad for us. Just think of how many people drink Diet Soda and think they are cutting calories, but in turn tricking their bodies only to crave more sugar! UGH!!!

After being off caffeine for 6 days, I realize that the yerba mate' that I was drinking in the morning and sometimes in the afternoon was a serious vice for me too. I used it to wake up with and to get me through my afternoon slump. Now there is nothing to get me up or through the slump but ME! And that's a good feeling, although a tiring one right now. I know that "this too shall pass" as does all else, but today is a tough one. Thank goodness that I had a free day to just putz around and nap at will. I am not much of a napper, but today I needed it. Among all the neighbor frenzy that goes on outside I managed to slip in a few zzzz's here and there. Yes, we live in LA and it is a city, even though we are close to the the screaming kids and mariachi music out the window is sometimes a bit much!

Another thing that happened is I just started crying..I was feeling so out of control and like I was in jail. This deprivation thing is hard for me since I have suffered from an eating disorder most of my life. It literally feels like I am in a prison, my very own self-made one, but prison nonetheless! Once I cried, and Daniel talked me through it all, I felt so much better. I know I have said this before, but if you are going to do a cleanse or anything else that requires serious willpower, find someone to do it with. The SUPPORT is profound and necessary!!!

All the meals I cooked were a success and I am ready to hit the kitchen for another round. The creamy cauliflower carrot soup with fresh dill is awesome. I throw a little cooked millet into it and Daniel and I have been having it for breakfast. Soup for breakfast is awesome! Have you ever tried it?? Today I made some scrambled eggs with zucchini, red onion, asparagus and dairy free/nut free pesto! The eggs were delicious, but I am still craving my damn Greens + Chocolate Peanut Butter High Protein bar...ugh. Just to bite into the gooey richness would take me to a happy place. BUT, I know that this kind of set back will not help me heal, so off I go back into the land of chocolate free. I also made some suprisingly tasty herb & veggie burgers which I have been enjoying immensly. I am allowed to use a little Amaranth flour to hold them together and boy it feels like I am cheating. Amaranth is a seed that is high in protein. Most people think it's a grain, but it's actually a seed, so it's allowed on this cleanse. The only grains we are allowed to eat are Quinoa, Buckwheat, Amaranth & Millet. All of which are very good by the way and loaded with protein!

Ok, well Daniel and I are off to get our Colonics. Did I really say that? Yes, we are getting colonics. I know..too much information. And I had to do a lot of co-ercing to my other half. He just felt that it was all wrong, but has now seen the light. And this is about the good, the bad and the ugly and who says we need to be so darn politically correct anyway? I am a health practioner and a chef and my mission is to teach people how to be healthy through whole foods eating and having a stellar digestive system. That's where it all starts. If you don't have a healthy digestive system, you will most likely end up with a lot of ailments and disease.

So, on that note, I must run but in case any of you are interested in jumping on board this cleanse or doing one in the future, I am happy to help. Donna Gates' book, The Body Ecology Diet is amazing and she will teach you all about the ins and outs of killing yeast. Oh no, is that coffee I smell wafting through the window again..someone help me!!!

I am here to teach the world to eat healthier, be healthier and feel better, so if any of you are interested in learning more please email me at

Truly yours,

the Ambivalent Cleanser


  1. What an excellent post, Missy!! Thanks for your honesty. So, when you don't have "supplements" or "aids" such as caffeine to help you get through the day, will your body FIND a way eventually to replenish you? Or will your body just know when it's out of steam and that'll be it. You're done for the day? Do you get what I am asking? I am afraid that if I cut the pickmeuppers, I won't be able to do what I NEED and WANT to do.

    Hi, I'm barbie, and I'm an addict.

  2. Great post- I need to go to your site more often and practice the healthy lifestyle choices you share....Thanks for being out there my new cyber friend....
